Cooking ideas for weight loss

July 19, 2021, 2:49 am

Fire has a bitter taste. Fire foods include sheep's cheese, rye and beetroot. The element earth (late summer, harvest time, the center point) corresponds to nourishment and caring, the calming center, stability and common sense. The element earth has a sweet taste. Earth foods include butter, eggs, beef, corn and potatoes. The element metal (autumn, waxing yin phase) corresponds to the decreasing life energy, the ability to distance oneself, a sense of justice, retirement and the ability to let go, as well as order and structure. The element metal has a sharp taste. Metal foods include mustard, onions and roast goose. The element water (winter, full yin-phase) corresponds to a drawing together, to an inner world and secrecy, to trust and self-will, perseverance, power reserves, sexuality and reproduction, death or rebirth. The element water is assigned a salty taste. Water foods include salt, fish, legumes, water and olives. Analysis There is no differentiation between vegetarian and non-vegetarian in the five elements diet, because the value of a food is determined by its yin or yang character and to which of the five elements it belongs.

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This article was medically reviewed by, Marko Tanaskovic on Thu, 27 Dec 2018. To read more about an author, click here. Pumpkin is a vegetable that usually grows in the autumn, and a pumpkin diet is best followed in that time of year. It contains a high amount of water ( up to 92%), but is also rich in many minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins. What pumpkin contains? Pumpkin is a very healthy food. Vitamins contained in the pumpkin include: Thiamine ( vitamin B1) Riboflavin ( Vitamin B2) Niacin ( vitamin B3) Vitamin B6 Folate ( Vitamin B9) Hydroxocobalamin ( vitamin B12) Ascorbic acid ( vitamin C) Tocopherol ( vitamin E) Vitamin D Vitamin K ( pumpkin is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin K) Minerals contained in the pumpkin include: Calcium Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Zink Selenium Sodium In addition, pumpkin contains very small quantities of protein and even less fat ( only 0. 10 g of fat in 100 grams of pumpkin). From carbohydrates, the most represented are dietary fiber and complex sugars.

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Drawing on the best of modern medical science, ancient Chinese medicine, and naturopathy—combined with years of firsthand experience counseling clients—she created Body Ecology, her own system of health and healing. Donna regularly appears on radio shows and conducts workshops to educate the public on medicinal foods.

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