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What is carb cycling? Essentially, you alternate between days eating high carb/low fat meals and days where you sick to low carb/higher fat meals. " High carb days are slightly higher in calories as well, and designed to help boost metabolic rate, replenish liver and muscle glycogen stores and aid in protein synthesis (muscle building). "The high and low carb days can be combined in multiple variations based upon the goals of the individual, " says Powell. If you're new to carb cycling, try this pattern: Low High High Low High High And if you want to speed things up switch to this pattern: Low Low High Low Low High Why you should try it "Carb cycling has actually been used in the fitness industry for decades as a powerful way to maximize fat loss while sparing lean muscle and preventing a metabolic crash and subsequent rebound, " says Powell. "Low carb days are designed to put the body into an abrupt calorie deficit from the high carb day, which leads to the body mobilizing and oxidizing fat, " says Powell.

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Sign in The HCG acts directly on the fat cells of the body. They act on the resilient cells that cause the increased weight of the person and decrease the weight of the person Drops is based on getting a growth hormone shot from your doctor every single day, and consuming no more than 500 calories Buy HCG Drops in wholesale can lead to a lot of savings and as such, it is highly recommended by the most of the people. The HCG Drops Diet protocol is a very strict protocol in which you take the HCG Diet Drops either by injection or drops placed under the tongue. Buy HCG Drops in wholesale can lead to a lot of savings and as such, it is highly recommended by the most of the people. They act on the resilient cells that cause the increased weight of the person and decrease the weight of the person Drops is based on getting a growth hormone shot from your doctor every single day, and consuming no more than 500 calories Check HCG Diet Drops's channel on Metacafe HCG as it is commonly known is one of the best methods of reducing weight that is known to man.

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From our friends at Self: Taylor gained the freshman 30 in college, and after graduation, she decided to do something about it. Here's how she successfully lost the weight and found a new hobby in the process. Taylor Staus, 24, grew up playing sports. When she went to college, she changed her exercise routine and created some unhealthy eating habits. "I grew up playing volleyball and basketball, " says Staus. "I was so active that I never even thought about my weight. I ate whatever I wanted. " But the transition to college meant that she no longer had a schedule packed with organized team practices. She wasn't running around burning calories on the field and in the gym, but she was still eating like she always had. Beer, soda, chicken wings, pizza, and chips became diet staples for Staus at college. The more she ate and drank, the less she felt like moving, and the unhealthy cycle continued. "Some people talk about gaining the freshman 15, " says Staus. "For me, it was at least twice that. "

4/5 FRUGAL FAIRTRADE Co-op Fairtrade Chenin Blanc 2018, £4. 80 Helen says Co-op Fairtrade Chenin Blanc (pictured) from South Africa is like a tropical fruit salad in a glass The Co-op fields a strong range of Fairtrade wines and, amazingly, some come in at under £5. This one from South Africa is fantastic — think tropical fruit salad in a glass. Fairtrade funds have helped improve a community centre in the region where the wine is made. 3/5 ZESTY SURPRISE Makaraka Sauvignon Blanc 2018, £4. 99, Aldi Helen claims Makaraka Sauvignon Blanc 2018 (pictured) is a pleasant surprise for a cheap Sauvignon Cheap Sauvignon is at least usually best approached with caution. But this one from New Zealand is a pleasant surprise. It's zesty, with enough of that trademark Sauvignon character to not leave your palate feeling cheated. 4/5 HARD TO RESIST Morrisons Soave 2018, £4. 35 Helen advises those who are searching for an inexpensive Italian white to try Morrisons' Soave 2018 (pictured) If you're after an inexpensive Italian white with classic, soft lemon flavours and a hint of almond, this is it.

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All you do is insert a small sample into the vestibule and get a reading. Speaking of GF food, find out the 40 Best and Worst Gluten-Free Products. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that a child's physical activity plummets by 76 percent during their tween years (ages 9 to 14). If you feel like screen time is reducing the amount of time your kids are playing outside, a new activity tracker custom-made for kids could help. Instead of tracking steps, Sqord tracks movement and then converts it into activity points that can then be used in its free game app. The app features customizable avatars and allows kids to engage their friends and family members to compete in challenges that are aimed at staying active. A tech trend that appears to be staging a takeover? Smart clothing. One of the most fascinating advances comes from Xenoma, a Japanese-based company, that is debuting e-skin clothes that can monitor a person's movement, breathing, perspiration, and body temperature.