Cooking ideas for weight loss

July 3, 2021, 6:39 am
  1. Dr joker' s intermittent fasting diet work
  2. Dr joker' s intermittent fasting diet plan chart

Helps you lose weight – Often, simply losing weight can reverse type 2 diabetes. Intermittent fasting has been shown to help people lose between 3 and 8% of body weight in three to 24 weeks. Increases your metabolic rate – This translates into more calories burned, helping facilitate some of the above benefits of intermittent fasting. Getting Started with Intermittent Fasting If you are on medication to lower your blood sugar, please consult your doctor before fasting. Warning: some doctors may pushback, so tell them this is something you want to try, but you want to do it safely. No doubt they will want you to closely monitor your blood sugar while you fast to ensure that your blood sugar does not drop too low. Also, if you're taking medication for diabetes, you'll want to be under medical supervision anyway so your doctor can reduce your medication as your blood sugar levels fall. Finally, as we pointed out in the other article, you already fast daily when you sleep. So extending that period for a few hours is not such a big deal.

Dr joker' s intermittent fasting diet work

dr joker  s intermittent fasting diet solution program

The "Fast Cure" for Diabetes Though we may not like to admit it, type 2 diabetes is a disease chiefly brought on by our lifestyle choices. [1] Yes, genetics come into play too, but when it comes to type 2 diabetes, you are not a slave to your gene pool. You have the power to even alter your genes. [2] According to the American Diabetes Association, type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide at an alarming rate due to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. [3] So, let's say that you (or someone you know) became overweight, were less and less active, and finally one day at a routine doctor visit, your doctor announced that you have type 2 diabetes and put you on medication to lower your blood sugar. Perhaps you've been taking diabetes meds for years now and the idea of reversing your diabetes seems far-fetched, even fanciful. Maybe your doctor doesn't believe that type 2 diabetes is reversible. That has been the traditional medical thought greatly influenced by the pharmaceutical companies who want to push their expensive drugs.

dr joker  s intermittent fasting diet weight

Dr joker' s intermittent fasting diet plan chart

[7] 6 Ways Intermittent Fasting Helps Reverse Type 2 Diabetes While some of the reasons for IF's effectiveness are rooted in complex science, other reasons are simply common sense. Consider the following: [8], [9], [10] Lowers blood sugar – Every time you eat, your blood sugar rises. That's simple science. So, when you're not eating your blood sugar is lower. The magic of intermittent fasting is that you're fasting at least 12 to 16 hours. This enables your body to use up the glucose in your system. Increases insulin receptivity – Because your cells are no longer overloaded with sugar, insulin can do its job and move the sugar out of your blood. Decreases insulin levels – Due to the fact that cells are now receptive to insulin, your pancreas produces less insulin. Regenerates your pancreas – The pancreas is where insulin is produced. When a person has type 2 diabetes, the pancreas has to work overtime to produce insulin sufficient to deal with the overload of sugar in the blood. Researchers have discovered that intermittent fasting effectively reboots the pancreas, regenerating beta cells.

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  • Dr joker' s intermittent fasting diet weight
  • Dr joker' s intermittent fasting diet solution program
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dr joker  s intermittent fasting diet solution

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