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July 21, 2021, 7:37 am
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I had to get up really early and do my workout before [I came here] because I knew I wasn't going to be able to. I didn't want to, I wanted to lie in bed with my dogs, " he said. Harper's personal life has evolved along with his outlook. He got engaged to longtime boyfriend Anton Gutierrez in June 2019, and says while shooting the newest season of "Biggest Loser" in Santa Fe has been distracting him from his nuptials — the pair haven't set a date yet — he wants to keep things low-key. "You know what sounds great? Eloping — just like eloping and having a party. I'm not going to walk down some aisle, you know. I'm not going to do that, " he told us. Also changing is Harper's diet, which has moved from an Atkins-adjacent high-fat, high-protein approach to "more plant-based, low-fat" following his health scare. "I haven't cut out meat completely, but I don't have as much, especially red meat. I really miss it. I will say whenever my fiancé is eating a burger, I really enjoy kissing him even more. "

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Furthermore, it is wise to follow a diet along with taking diet pills, to ensure that you don't succumb to your cravings. Protein intake Getting the right amounts of protein is important to maintain lean muscle mass. Even though most diet supplements are thermogenic, which in most cases increases calorie burn, there are a few that can cause you to lower your calorie intake resulting in an insufficient intake of protein. Protein intake should not be any lower than 1 gram per pound of body weight when trying to lose weight, so try and substitute foods that are high in carbohydrates and fats with high protein foods. Drink plenty of water Fat Burning pills often tend to accelerate your metabolism, and as a result you tend to sweat more after taking them. It is recommended that you drink at least 6-8 glasses of water each day in order to increase metabolism and stay well hydrated. Final Thoughts Diet pills are a great way to lose weight as long as you take the right ones. Remember that no two humans are the same, so what works for your friend, may not offer you the same results.

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