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July 7, 2021, 1:58 pm
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People come here to ask what has worked for other people. sometimes that question is targeted at a particular symptom and sometimes it is about PCOS more broadly. some of those questions are about specific medications, some are about supplements, but a lot are about diet and lifestyle interventions so that pills can be avoided. it's a very popular topic of conversation, to say the least. We are all on this journey together in some respects and alone in others. Some people have great success with a particular method or intervention, some don't see any progress from it, and some feel worse and experience nasty side effects. As a personal anecdote, I'm one of the unlucky few for whom inositol didn't do anything. I hear it described as a miracle drug but for me it just gave me expensive pee. so I made the personal decision to stop taking it despite lots of success stories to the contrary. People also talk about keto and ketosis here a lot. They talk about low carb a lot. I am one such person, because the results have been incredible for me.

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'I had been a plus-sized fashion blogger for years. But all these great crop-top swimsuits couldn't be a reality for me. 'Even the plus-size bloggers who were just big, their skin was tight, so they could wear stuff I couldn't. So here I am in between getting rid of the morbidly obese girl, but looking like a distorted girl. ' During last night's episode of the show, Lindsey had a total of nine procedures to remove and tighten the flabby skin on her body. However, while Lindsey was recovering from one of her surgeries at her parents' house in Virginia Beach, she was surprised to be struggling with her emotions. Hard to handle: Lindsey, who is pictured before and after her weight loss, said the excess skin on her body stopped her from wearing a lot of the clothes she liked Sharing her story: Lindsey posted photos of her legs before her procedure (L) and six weeks after her second thigh surgery (R) on her Facebook page No definition: Lindsey can be seen pulling on the excess skin on her arm before her life-changing surgery Flexing her muscles: After her skin removal surgeries, Lindsey's skin no longer hangs from her bicep 'This whole process has been so emotional and overwhelming.

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Terms: Piers Morgan, 55, has revealed he would return to Britain's Got Talent 'if the money is right' and if David Walliams left the show He said: 'I do have conversations with BGT every now and again, particularly after Simon had his injury. But I couldn't work with Walliams. I think he is a duplicitous, treacherous, piece of work. 'He is one of those people who says one thing to your face and then sticks it to you behind your back. If he was sitting there I wouldn't be interested. But if he wasn't sitting there, who knows? 'I will come back to BGT if the money is right and if they guarantee Walliams gets fired. I might even make it a contractual clause that I get to be the one who tells him he is fired. If I was him I would stick to writing children's books. ' The feud between the pair escalated earlier this year when Piers was said to have discovered some unsavoury tweets David had 'liked' about him. Piers said: 'I couldn't work with Walliams. I think he is a duplicitous, treacherous, piece of work' The Good Morning Britain host tweeted: 'Amusing that @davidwalliams regularly 'likes' nastiest tweets about me, yet is such a snivelling toady to my face.

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