Cooking ideas for weight loss

July 23, 2021, 7:58 am

(F Age: 28, SW: 193 CW: 178) So I've lurked here for quite some time and gotten some great knowledge and second hand advice. I'm only posting this because I thought it might be useful to someone like me. I only started losing weight in December and have tried to maintain a small calorie deficit (250-500). I was losing pretty steadily between 0. 5-1 pound until the beginning of March when the scale seemed to stop budging. I weigh weekly, and it was three weeks of the same number. Naturally I did a depth dive in this forum and the internet in general. Everyone had different suggestions and answers, but there were general themes. "Your calories may have crept up/you fell back into old habits. " "Your body may have adjusted to your workouts. " "Have you checked your macros? " "Are you weighing everything you eat? " "Metabolic damage! Thermo-whatever! Your body may be working against you! " "Have you started a new workout, including cardio? because it could be causing water retention for up to 6 weeks. "

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The lemon juice cleanse is widely used as part of a detox diet. One of the reasons the lemon juice cleansing protocol is effective is because sour substances help the liver and the gall bladder to properly deal with toxins that are in the body. The way our liver functions means that it is essential to our overall health; further, when it is working properly, it also helps us to lose weight. If the liver cannot rid itself of toxins in the body, then it cannot perform its main task of breaking down fat. Lemon juice is a good tool to help your liver do its job. How To Do It In order to carry out a lemon juice cleanse, the main requirement is that you drink the juice of one fresh lemon dissolved in water in the mornings. You need to do this cleanse in the morning because that is when your body is in its natural cleansing mode, which makes it the best time to use cleansing foods and juices. Some people add maple syrup and cayenne pepper to the mix and use nothing but this mixture for between three and ten days.