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July 21, 2021, 7:33 pm

she wrote. "We need to start representing with our voices, with our eyes, with our thoughts, with our hearts and with our hands! I am taking ownership back with my hands! " Korin Miller Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men's Health, Women's Health, Self, Glamour, and more. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at

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Justin Bieber announces that he has pushed his Justice World Tour to 2022... as he adds seven new dates to the concert series Published: 23:11 BST, 6 May 2021 | Updated: 23:27 BST, 6 May 2021 Justin Bieber has announced that he has pushed his Justice World Tour to 2022. The 27-year-old singer-songwriter made the news public through his official website, where it was also noted that he had added seven new dates to the event series. The hitmaker was originally supposed to kick off his tour in 2020, although his team ultimately made the decision to postpone the shows. Moving forward: Justin Bieber recently announced that his Justice World Tour had been postponed until 2022 Showbiz411 first reported a week ago that the show was being pushed. In a statement via Billboard, Bieber expressed his desire to take to the road and noted that the extra time would be used to make plans for the upcoming events in order to give concertgoers the best possible experience. 'We're working hard to make this tour the best one yet...

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Sugar also affects our moods. Studies have shown that sugar causes the vicious cycles of binge-eating, dopamine spikes, a physical and emotional crash and then more craving and withdrawal. As a result, we have shorter tempers, lower patience and even depressed feelings. These are the top 5 negative effects that sugar can have on our health. The debate around sugar is neverending. There are lots of sugar myths out there and we want to bust them all so you don't have to go your whole life believing chocolate causes acne (which it doesn't). So here are some common myths – busted. Myth #1 – Natural sweeteners are a lot healthier than plain sugar. Eert! Wrong! According to Nestle, all sugars – even agave, honey, and maple syrup have the same effect on our bodies as white sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. Recent research has linked fructose (the sugar found in fruit), in particular, to hormonal changes that lead you to overeat, thus setting you up for weight gain and related health issues. Artificial sweeteners have been intensely scrutinized for many many years.

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Older research suggests a link, newer studies don't. But either way, you should go easy on your coffee. Too much caffeine could raise your blood pressure and heart rate, which might set off episodes of AFib. Stick to no more than two or three cups a day. Or switch to decaf. Or do both. Taking a blood thinner can help stop clots, which lead to a stroke, from forming. But one type of these medications may not work as well when you eat foods high in vitamin K like lettuce, spinach, and kale. Talk to your doctor to find out if leafy greens change how well your medication works. If so, your doctor may be able to adjust your dose or change your medication so you can enjoy these healthy foods. If you take medicine to control your heart rhythm, skip this citrus fruit until you talk to your doctor. Grapefruits and grapefruit juice have chemicals that can change the way you digest certain medications. That makes side effects from these drugs more likely. Check with your doctor about whether grapefruit is OK for you.

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Take Charge of Your Fertility explains everything the prospective parent may need to know as they face the physical, emotional and practical challenges of trying for a baby. It covers health issues in full, from basic biology and an explanation of fertility and cycles to outlining what supplements are useful and what aren't, and how you can maximise your chances by following a healthy diet and cutting alcohol or nicotine intake. There are plenty of resources and guidelines for parents facing difficulties, including a guide to the medical options, and advice on how to seek further help. It will help couples to deal with the emotional issues faced when trying for a baby, and will also give practical information on who you should tell and who you must tell, and when. With coverage of all aspects of very early pregnancy, from do-it-yourself tests to the very first scan, it will be a useful resource which will help all prospective parents, whether looking to start or to expand their family.

"Through the 'Get A Taste' campaign, we're reminding fans why they fell in love with Diet Coke the first time, and we're inviting everyone to experience the magic behind the taste of Diet Coke. " First "Get A Taste" Television Commercial Debuts September 24 The first look at the new campaign, a:30 TV spot titled "Economy Class, " will debut during Wednesday's season premiere of "Nashville" on ABC. The momentum will continue with airings during the season premieres of "Scandal" and "Grey's Anatomy" on Thursday evening. A second spot titled "Car Wash" will air in early October. "Economy Class" opens on a woman walking toward the back of a crowded overnight flight filled with sleeping passengers and crying babies. After asking the flight attendant for a Diet Coke, she closes her eyes and takes a long, refreshing sip. When she opens her eyes, the sleepy, cramped airplane has transformed into a speakeasy-style party. The main character weaves her way through the crowd. Along the way, she mingles and dances with stylish partygoers who are all more vibrant versions of the passengers she passed on her way to get a Diet Coke.