Cooking ideas for weight loss

July 2, 2021, 8:56 pm

I have had issues with sweating since my early teens, literally pours from my scalp, back and stomach, even when its cold. Im relatively fit, i walk 3/4miles 3 or 4 nights a week and I've got an active job. But even hoovering one room in my house has me drenched in sweat. In my teens I had extremely clear skin, never had spots or skin issues... In the last 2 years I've got really dry skin on my face, I get itchy under the skin spots (not acne) and I get random rashes on my back/stomach and arms that itch like hell but go after a while. Antihistamines sometimes help. I went to the drs last February to ask for help, at the time I told her I was suffering with insomnia, extreme exhaustion, random bouts of sleeping 12+ hours and waking up exhausted, a puffy face, puffy lips (not like a reaction), swollen eyelids, thick neck, cold hands and feet all the time, brain fog, pale complexion (I'm mixed and looked grey), pains in my back and my ankles and wrists (its now sometimes in my fingers). She sent me for blood work, told me theres nothing to test for autoimmune issues and when it all came back clear, that was that.

Fibromyalgia diet food blog

Fibromyalgia diet foods to eat

I like going to doctors because with data, I can force myself to accept the facts about what I'm feeling. But then I accidentally ignored a bunch of symptoms that lead to me needing a hysterectomy at age 29. Long story short-- I had an insane period that landed me in the emergency room. Doctor gave me meds to get it to stop. Had a few appointments with my ob/gyn. Turns out I had a plethora of uterine fibroid all different sizes filling my uterus to a size similar to being 6wks pregnant. Here are the symptoms I continuously contributed to other things: • irregular periods (blamed fibro meds) • phantom baby kicks (blamed indigestion and 'baby fever') • severe hip pain so bad I needed a walker. My hip joints felt like they were full of LAVA. (Blamed lower back pain and random fibro pain) • really painful cramps for a few years. (The pain went away with drugs so I thought I was just feeling it more intensely because of fibro. ) If you have a uterus and some of these symptoms, please ask your doctor for an INTERNAL ultrasound at your next check up.

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