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July 21, 2021, 1:44 pm

In the same manner that bulky ovarian cysts cause torsion, a bulbous loop of intestine or an enteric duplication may precipitate torsion. Prompt surgical intervention is necessary to salvage the intestine. Fortunately, these events occur infrequently. Intestinal obstruction in the newborn. An enteric duplication may cause twisting (volvulus) of a loop of intestine. Colon Causes of colon obstruction include colonic atresia, meconium plug, small left colon syndrome, and Hirschsprung disease. Hirschsprung disease (aganglionic megacolon) may present during the newborn period or later. Faulty innervation (absence of ganglion cells) interrupts peristalsis, both contraction and relaxation. Agangionic bowel is unable to relax, and this nixes propulsion. (Before the etiology of Hirschsprung disease was understood, surgeons removed the dilated intestine, assuming that it was flaccid and unable to contract; however, the correct etiology was the exact opposite. ) Rectum In rectal atresia, an obstruction is noted inside a normal-appearing anal canal.

Diet in subacute intestinal obstruction

[ 8] Duodenal obstruction is frequently associated with Down syndrome. It may also result from malrotation and/or volvulus (see the image below). When malrotation occurs, the tissue that normally creates the duodenal C loop (around the pancreas) overlies and compresses the duodenum; this tissue forms "Ladd bands, " named in honor of the surgeon who devised the operation used to prevent midgut volvulus. Intestinal obstruction in the newborn. Operative photograph of midgut volvulus. Note the transverse orientation of the colon (look for the appendix). Small intestine Jejunal or ileal atresia may have continuity in the bowel and mesentery, or there may be a gap of varying distance (see the first two images below). If a thromboembolic event destroyed the proximal mesentery, blood from the ileocecal vessels may flow retrograde into the proximal intestine; as the bowel winds around these vessels, it resembles an "apple peel" or "Christmas tree" (see the third image below). Rarely, there may be multiple obstructions, giving the bowel a "string of sausages" appearance (see the fourth image below).

This increased tension in the intestinal wall along with reduced blood supply to the intestine due to the obstruction and/or twisting and external pressure causes tissue death or perforation of bowel. Intestinal obstruction with resultant impairment of blood supply to the affected region also results in activation of systemic inflammatory responses along with translocation of bacteria through walls of the intestines. What Are The Causes Of Intestinal Obstruction? Some of the causes of Intestinal Obstruction are: Abdominal adhesions Hernias Tumors of the intestine Inflammatory bowel diseases Intestinal twisting called as volvulus Intussusception. What Are The Complications Of Intestinal Obstruction? If Intestinal Obstruction is left untreated, it can cause potentially serious and life-threatening complications, some of which are illustrated below: Tissue Death: As stated above, Intestinal Obstruction can cause impairment of blood supply to the obstructed part of the intestine resulting in complete necrosis of the tissues in that region.

diet in subacute intestinal obstruction
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