Cooking ideas for weight loss

July 20, 2021, 1:20 pm

The actress told The Sun: 'It was really difficult to make the decision to leave, but I'd been there for five years and it was all I'd ever known. The next chapter: The actress, 24, departed her role as Bethany Platt (pictured) in early March to pursue other acting roles, having joined the soap fresh out of college Selling clothes: However, as Lucy has been unable to pursue any acting roles, the star seemed keen to earn a bit of extra money on Tuesday after having a wardrobe clear out 'I'd never done theatre or anything away from Corrie and after the grooming storyline where I won quite a few awards, which was amazing, I realised if I didn't leave and try other things I might end up wondering, 'What if? ' 'As I left, work was starting to pick up and take off and now everything has stopped. But I do know there are loads of people in much worse situations than me and I've been very lucky. ' Lucy added she was trying to stay positive during lockdown but felt 'a bit sad having nothing to do'.

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Meghan drew the bold comparison between drug addicts and social media users during her virtual appearance at the Fortune summit on Tuesday afternoon - an online event that was reserved for invited guests willing to pay a $1, 750 fee. Meanwhile the Duchess paired the garment with $195 Luna Ear Jacket Earrings from Cuyana, which is a female-owned jewellery brand based in New York 'There are very few things in this world where you call the person who's engaging with it "a user". People who are addicted to drugs are called users and people who are on social media are called users, ' Meghan said. 'There is something algorithmically that is in there that is creating this obsession that I think is very unhealthy for a lot of people. 'I have a lot of concerns for people that have become obsessed with it and it is so much a part of our daily culture for so many people that it is an addiction. ' Meghan added that she believes social media had the 'same capacity' for causing addiction as drugs do.

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