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Felicity: Is it better to set little or big weight loss goals for ourselves? David Joseph Schwartz: Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success. Weight Loss Motivation: Think little weight loss goals and expect to lose a few pounds. Think big weight loss goals and you'll reach your ultimate weight loss goal. Think Thin Affirmation: Think little weight loss goals and expect to lose a few pounds. Think big weight loss goals and I'll reach my ultimate weight loss goal. Dieting Goals Quote and Question #0409 What should we concentrate on first? Felicity: What should we concentrate on first? Colonel Michael Friedman: Concentrate on finding your goal, then concentrate on reaching it. Weight Loss Motivation: Concentrate on finding your weight loss goal, then concentrate on reaching it. Think Thin Affirmation: I concentrate on finding my weight loss goal, then I concentrate on reaching it. Dieting Motivational Quote and Question #0410 How high should we set our weight loss goals?

Continued Some medicines can hurt your liver if you drink alcohol when you take them. And some are harmful when combined with other drugs. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the safest way to take your medicines. Continued Learn how to prevent viral hepatitis. It's a serious disease that harms your liver. There are several types. You catch hepatitis A from eating or drinking water that's got the virus that causes the disease. You can get a vaccine if you're traveling to a part of the world where there are outbreaks. Hepatitis B and C are spread through blood and body fluids. To cut your risk, don't share items like toothbrushes, razors, or needles. Limit the number of sex partners you have, and always use latex condoms. There's no vaccine yet for hepatitis C, but there is one for hepatitis B. Get tested for viral hepatitis. Because it often doesn't cause symptoms, you can have it for years and not know it. If you think you've had contact with the virus, talk to your doctor to see if you need a blood test.