Cooking ideas for weight loss

July 21, 2021, 8:51 pm

As I prepared to make these delicious GAPS Intro pancakes, I realized…I couldn't find a recipe. Gut and Psychology Syndrome didn't give proportions. What Can I Eat Now didn't include nuts in one, and used ground nuts (as opposed to nut butter, like Dr. Natasha recommends) in another. Searching the internet, I was surprised to find there wasn't really anything available. *side note* Throughout this whole process I have been surprised by how few resources are available considering how many Intro journals can be found. One of my goals is to help fill this gap (no pun intended). I found a recipe that only uses yolks (note that cinnamon should not be used until Stage 6), which is great if you can't tolerate the whites. But I wanted to use whites. I do tolerate them, so I don't want to waste them. I found this recipe that calls for whipping the whites, which I bet makes amazing pancakes. But I need to keep GAPS Intro sustainable for me. I keep things easy. I'm the girl who would batch cook two soups a week and only eat those because it was the least amount of work.

Diet profile of circumpolar inuit

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I wanted to make a series for people who are just starting to volume eat but don't know what to buy at the store. Idk if somebody has done this before lol, this idea just struck me and I wanted to write it down. Also, comment if I missed anything/ if you disagree haha (note: these are in no particular order) Volume Essentials for Breakfast: Egg whites: These are the king of breakfast volume. Currently, a staple in my diet no matter the circumstance. This is definitely a must-buy for anybody looking to volumize any recipes with normal eggs in them Butterball Bacon: For 25 cals a piece, this is another staple in my current rotation of breakfast dishes. This tastes amazing and is super easy to make. I still don't understand how you can pack so much flavor for only 25 cals Fat-free cheese: This totally changes the game flavor-wise for omelets. It has half the calories of regular cheese and can be used in a variety of different ways in terms of breakfast recipes Sugar-free syrup: This can turn anything into a dessert.

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