Cooking ideas for weight loss

July 21, 2021, 5:03 am

You may be able to fall asleep, but your body will probably miss out on the benefits of deep sleep. " Deciding to stop drinking it is the easy part -- quitting may prove to be difficult. To be successful, you must determine why you want to stop drinking soda and how it will (positively) affect your health when you succeed. If you are serious about your choice, get rid of all sodas in your house, and replace them with healthy beverages or bottled water. While getting used to life without diet soda, make sure you are getting enough rest. You will likely feel drained and run down that is completely normal. Take it one day at a time. No one is perfect. If you have the will to change, in time you will succeed. Don't forget to come back to Inquisitr for all your nutrition news and updates. Make your opinion count, and tell us what you think about the diet soda danger below. [Image via Shutterstock]

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ramen soup powder – another way to get a similar taste is to sprinkle some ramen soup powder (which has MSG) on your ddukbokki. Any variations? My niece MJ recently told me about a variation where you roast the dduk in an iron skillet first before cooking it in the sauce. Adds additional crunchy texture and some smoky flavor which I'm sure will only make it better. In Korea, around New Year's, when you have rice cakes coming out of your ears, one way to eat the freshly made tteok is to roast them over open fire and then eat them with some sugar sprinkled on top. Reader Interactions

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