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July 23, 2021, 9:04 pm
  1. Vitiligo diet mayo clinic list
  2. Vitiligo diet mayo clinic diet images
  3. Vitiligo diet mayo clinic
  4. Vitiligo - Doctors and departments - Mayo Clinic
  5. Vitiligo diet mayo clinic diet

Or even just some kind of validation. I'll take literally anything at this point.

Vitiligo diet mayo clinic list

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Please give me any and all advice. If you can think of anything I should ask at my next appointment, I'd appreciate that too. Or even just some kind of validation. I'll take literally anything at this point.

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Departments and specialties Mayo Clinic has one of the largest and most experienced practices in the United States, with campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota. Staff skilled in dozens of specialties work together to ensure quality care and successful recovery. Departments that treat this condition Dermatology By Mayo Clinic Staff

Vitiligo diet mayo clinic

My rheumatologist poked at me and said this is weird and that my labs don't reflect the immense pain I'm in and don't point to an autoimmune condition. At my second appointment he said I "definitely have something" but my labs don't make sense and don't point to any specific condition and he isn't sure what's wrong with me. He opted to give me Prednisone to see if I responded and boy did I! I felt amazing for about a week and a half. And then I found out I can't take Prednisone because of my bypass. My only option is Celebrex, but it's related to a medication I'm allergic to. So, they want me to come in Monday and I was told they are running out of options for me and he doesn't have a diagnosis. They also said I should consider a second opinion and suggested the Mayo Clinic. Mayo isn't really an option as they've already denied me like 4 times without a diagnosis. You guys, I did not think this was going to be a difficult case. I'm so confused. I can't in a million years imagine that this is some huge medical mystery.

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Vitiligo - Doctors and departments - Mayo Clinic

At my second appointment he said I "definitely have something" but my labs don't make sense and don't point to any specific condition and he isn't sure what's wrong with me. He opted to give me Prednisone to see if I responded and boy did I! I felt amazing for about a week and a half. And then I found out I can't take Prednisone because of my bypass. My only option is Celebrex, but it's related to a medication I'm allergic to. So, they want me to come in Monday and I was told they are running out of options for me and he doesn't have a diagnosis. They also said I should consider a second opinion and suggested the Mayo Clinic. Mayo isn't really an option as they've already denied me like 4 times without a diagnosis. You guys, I did not think this was going to be a difficult case. I'm so confused. I can't in a million years imagine that this is some huge medical mystery. Please give me any and all advice. If you can think of anything I should ask at my next appointment, I'd appreciate that too.

Ok, I'm going to try to make this as not jumbled and cohesive as possible, but, brain fog so be patient. Also, I'm not good with Reddit, so if this looks a mess, sorry. Backstory: I had gastric bypass July 2017. No huge issues, I was just morbidly obese and wanted a higher quality of life and to avoid major medical issues before they started (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc). I am 33 and female and despite being morbidly obese was otherwise decently healthy. Since surgery I have been highly successful with my weight loss and have lost 160 pounds and am now a healthy BMI and eat a pretty regular "normal" looking diet. I am religious about my supplements and all my blood work has come back normal when I have it checked, so all good on the bypass. December of 2017, I noticed stiffness in my jaw and when I yawned one day, it cracked and felt like I broke it. I was dismissed by my pcp and 2 dentists as just having tmj pain, one even said my kids are too stressful for me to handle. Just found out, it's actually dislocated and has been since last December, and I have joint degeneration in my jaw.

Vitiligo diet mayo clinic diet

February 2018 I fell while ice skating. No biggie, got up and kept on. My knee swelled over the next few weeks and is still swollen and won't straighten to this day. During my time in physical therapy, other joints started becoming painful. Over the next few months, both ankles, both feet, both hands and wrists and my right shoulder all became incredibly stiff and painful and difficult to use. A few months later I also developed inflammation in my entire spine. All of this has gotten progressively worse despite resting, muscle relaxers, and physical therapy to a point where a few weeks ago I was unable to get myself out of bed or even dress myself. I'm in so much pain, it hurts so bad to walk, or sit or eat or sleep. I'm out of it all the time, I'm exhausted and my hair is falling out like crazy. It hurts worst in the morning or anytime I sit. Putting weight on my joints is excruciating, but so is taking weight off of them when I lift my feet. Also worth noting, every single woman in my family has at least 2 autoimmune issues.

Just found out, it's actually dislocated and has been since last December, and I have joint degeneration in my jaw. February 2018 I fell while ice skating. No biggie, got up and kept on. My knee swelled over the next few weeks and is still swollen and won't straighten to this day. During my time in physical therapy, other joints started becoming painful. Over the next few months, both ankles, both feet, both hands and wrists and my right shoulder all became incredibly stiff and painful and difficult to use. A few months later I also developed inflammation in my entire spine. All of this has gotten progressively worse despite resting, muscle relaxers, and physical therapy to a point where a few weeks ago I was unable to get myself out of bed or even dress myself. I'm in so much pain, it hurts so bad to walk, or sit or eat or sleep. I'm out of it all the time, I'm exhausted and my hair is falling out like crazy. It hurts worst in the morning or anytime I sit. Putting weight on my joints is excruciating, but so is taking weight off of them when I lift my feet.

Also worth noting, every single woman in my family has at least 2 autoimmune issues. We've got psoriasis, RA, thyroid issues, alopecia, vitiligo, diabetes, lichen sclerosis, lichen planis, Crohns, etc. The list is long. Current story: My current PCP thought I might have RA. She ran a ton of bloodwork and referred me to several specialists including a rheumatologist. I live in a very rural and secluded area, so my rheumatologist is about 3 1/2 hours away so it's not like I have a ton of options. Ortho (for my knee) won't touch me because he's worried this is a systemic issue, Neuro thinks I need to go to rheum, Spinal doc says I need to go to rheum, Dermatologist also wants me to go to rheum and Oral surgeon wants me going to rheum. Sooo I go to rheumatology where more bloodwork is done. -RF factor is 19. 8 which is equivocal -ANA low positive 1:80 -ENA positive for Anti SCL70 and Anti JO Mayo -dsDNA weakly positive -CRP is high -Sed rate high Folic acid and b12 high -Copper is high My xrays don't show degeneration.

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